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Huge Discount of INR 5000 on all Non-CAT Course of iQuanta. Use Code 'MBA2024'.

Huge Discount of INR 5000 on all Non-CAT Course of iQuanta. Use Code 'MBA2024'.

XAT Course 2024-25

XAT Course 2024-25

New Add-ons for Unmatched experience

Course Features

iQuanta’s Doubt Solving Supremacy

Time it takes for Light to reach On Earth from Sun = 8 mins.

Time is takes for iQuanta to Solve  CAT Student’s Doubts < 8 mins

Course Content

This course will be completed in 3 phases
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800+ Conceptual Videos & 4000+ Practice Questions

The moment you enrol you will get access to 500+ Quant Videos, 150+ VARC Videos, 100+ Decision making sets and iQuanta GK Course also you will get access to 2000+ Quant - DI Questions , 1200+ VARC Qs , 65+ Decision making Videos

Recommended Add-Ons, for Elite Prepatation

CAT 2024 Full Course

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iQuanta CAT Topper's Feedback

iQuanta CAT Topper's Feedback

200+ CAT 99%ilers & 350+ IIM Converts in CAT 2023 | Record in the CAT Industry from a single place!
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CAT Success Stories & Feedback

Success stories of iQuanta toppers

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IIM Convert
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  • 7 Full Mocks
  • 30,000+ Top B-school Calls
  • 500+ Students Scored 99%ile
  • ₹22,399

Personalised Coupon Code - XATIQUANTA



  • CAT 2024 Full Course
