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CAT 2018 Topper: Vineet Bajaj,From 85 %le to 99.53 %le in CAT in few months

OA- 99.53 (167.78 scaled score)
VA – 95.57 (63.03) [My weakest section]
LrDi – 98.99 (45.62)
Qa – 99.46 (59.13)

This was my second attempt. First was in 2016, though I left preparation in between at that time. But one thing that I had experienced/learnt at that time was regularity, consistency and self belief is the key to crack the CAT.

I thought of starting prep from August by leaving the job. But soon I realised that this won’t work as I would be grilled in interviews for leaving job for prep. I am part of iQuanta Facebook Group since 2016. I thought of joining as this is the best option for working professionals. But before joining, I took feedback about iQuanta from one of my friend who was part of paid quant course in 2016.

I joined iQuanta Course July end and classes started in August. Speed was slow and Initially I was little apprehensive but as the course progressed I got confidence in it.

Geometry was my weakest section. I used to struggle a lot in geometry but with Indrajeet Singh sir’s tricks and teaching, I got to know that Pythagoras along with a few other concepts are required to crack this. Mega event was the most helpful and I even solved all the geometry problems in CAT with 100% accuracy. Arithmetic is my strong area but geometry helped in getting 99+.

LrDI is one of my strong area but iQuanta concept videos related to Venn Diagram and Arrangements helped me a lot. I could able to solve set theory questions easily. But… I couldn’t solve a set related to Set theory in CAT and I still regret that. CAT is an exam for management entrance. If I had wasted my time on that set thinking How can I not solve this set, my scores would have been something else. I spent 5 min, and then moved on to next set. This is what required to ace in exams like CAT.

VARC is my weakest section. I hardly scored 56%ile in 2016. I never scored more than 45 marks in SimCat. Even after doing all the RCs from Application Builder and around 20 RCs from CAT100, I scored 28,15 and 20 in 3 simcats back to back just 8-10 days before CAT. I could have lost hope and left prep. But I knew that regularity is the key. I kept on practising RCs on daily basis and scored 95+ %ile in CAT.

By the time of last simcat I knew I will score 95-97 (OA) for sure but that was not enough for me. What helped me getting 99.5+, which was a distant dream for me, was the event LAST MILE TO CAT. I spent my whole days in last week solving questions posted in this event. This helped in increasing my speed and motivation level.

Finally the day came, THE D-DAY. I was nervous but knew that being calm is necessary to crack the exam. Mudit Yadav sir had told 1 meditation trick. I used that twice before exam. First, 30 min before exam and then 5 min before exam. This helped me a lot in focusing.

It has been a wonderful journey preparing for CAT with iQuanta and I don’t regret investing my money in iQuanta course.

CAT exam

Indrajeet Singh
Indrajeet Singh
The mastermind behind IQuanta, Indrajeet Singh is an expert in Quant and has devised some ingenious formulae and shortcuts to significantly cut down on the time taken to solve a problem

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