TISSNET Preparation Strategy 2022

TISSNET Exam Details

TISSNET Preparation Strategy 2022

TISSNET Exam 2022 is going to be held on 26th February 2022 in 40 cities. To ace the exam, you need to have a dedicated TISSNET preparation strategy. TISSNET 2022 is conducted for admission into multiple campuses of Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) for the academic year 2022.
TISS NET is a computer-based exam that is conducted at the national level. TISSNET score is taken into consideration by TISS for entrance into different Masters programmes offered by TISS.

There are other exams that have test patterns different from that of CAT but the syllabus for them are similar and if you have prepared for CAT, you will be able to crack them, given the familiarity with the test pattern. There is also another league of Institutions that judge the budding managers based on their General Awareness along with the mandatory aptitude tests.

TISSNET is one of the exams which gives a very high weightage (40%) to the General Awareness than it gives to the other sections. This is the common entrance examination to get admission into more than 50 M.A. /M.Sc. courses in 4 different campuses of TISS. Hence, adopting a TISSNET preparation strategy that focuses on GK more would help you the most in this exam.

Get TISS Course 2024 by iQuanta

This exam also holds the key to your entrance in one of the most prestigious programs of south Asia and the flagship program of TISS i.e. Master of Arts in Human Resource Management. This course not only is the best in the sense of ROI (average package of 20+ LPA with the complete course fee of <1.2L) but also the learning pedagogy which sets it apart from other management courses in India. The alumni base, faculties, and the brand Tata Institute of Social Sciences speak for all of them. (XLRI and TISS compete to be the best HRM program in the country).

Many of the aspirants interested in the field of Human Resource Management tend to give up on TISSNET as to its 40% weightage given to the General Awareness section which is the highest in any Management Entrance exam of India. It also has introduced an additional section named TISSMAT especially for the students applying for HRM and ODCL courses.

If you’ve prepared for CAT 21 or have a basic understanding of the topics and you are appearing for TISSNET 22, the following TISSNET preparation strategy is for you.

Candidates applying for single or multiple programmes will attend only one test and the TISS-NET Score will be valid for all the programmes applied for.

NO NEGATIVE MARKING applicable for TISS-NET for any programme. (However negative marking will be applicable for TISS-MAT administered to candidates applying for MA Human Resource Management & Labour Studies and MA Organisation Development, Change and Leadership).

TISSNET Preparation

We have mentioned some details like the syllabus, exam duration and other relevant details that might be of use for your TISSNET preparation strategy.

TISSNET 2022 score will only be utilised for shortlisting applicants for the subsequent rounds, according to TISS’s revisions. The scores from the Pre-Interview Test and PI rounds will be combined in the following ratio:

  1. TISSNET: only to shortlist candidates
  2. PIT: 70%
  3. Personal Interview (PI): 30%

Since it is a shortlisting stage, no reservation rules apply at this stage.

Duration of the test: 1 hour & 40 minutes

TISSNET 2022 will be of 100 minutes with 100 questions divided into 3 sections:


(No negative marks mean you can attempt all the questions)

Parameters General Awareness Mathematics and Logical reasoning English proficiency
No. of questions 40 questions 30 questions 30 questions
Difficulty level Moderate/Tough Easy Easy/Moderate
Sectional Cutoff Yes (35%) NO NO
Ideal Time to attempt 20-25 min 40-45 min 30-35 min
Decent achievable Score 18-22 27-30 27-30
Syllabus Thorough understanding of:

Static GK:
History (Indian)
Art & Culture
World Organizations

Current Affairs:
Social Issues
Social Laws/happenings

Quantitative Methods:
Basic Arithmetic
Basic Geometry
Basic Trigonometry
Basic Statistics
Number SeriesData interpretation
2 easy sets


Logical reasoning
Blood relations
Other concepts with quant topics

Word Choice / sentence correction
Synonyms & Antonyms
Verbal reasoning
Reading comprehension
Sources to Prepare:

Not the exhaustive list but the tested ones.

Static GK:
Lucent (not feasible for short duration)
GK Notes from iQuantaCurrent Affairs:
Month wise notes of the recent happenings.
iQuanta has specially curated Current Affairs Module for the TISSNET 2022
Materials referred for other management Entrance exams should do good. Materials referred for reparation of other management Entrance exams should do good.


TISSNET 2022 Important Details:

TISSNET 2022Important Details
Exam modeComputer-based Test
Exam Duration1 hour 40 minutes
Total Questions100
Registration starts17th December 2021
Registration Ends7th February 2022
Admit Card Issue14th February 2022 Onwards
Last Date to Download Admit Card21st February 2022
Exam Date26th February 2022
Result DeclarationTo Be Announced
Syllabus3 sections based on:

>English Proficiency
>Mathematics and Logical Reasoning
>General Awareness

TISS Management Aptitude Test (TISS-MAT)

Candidates applying for MA (HRM&LR) and/or MA (ODCL) programmes are required to appear for the TISS Management Aptitude Test (TISS-MAT) in addition to the TISS-NET Examination. The TISS Management Aptitude Test (MAT) will be conducted immediately after the TISS-NET examination.

NEGATIVE MARKING: Each correct answer will fetch 1 mark and each wrong answer will result in 0.25 negative marks.

TISS-MAT Score will be considered along with Stage 2 of the admission process and thus will be considered only for those who are shortlisted for Stage 2. TISS-MAT Score will be aggregated with the score of TISSNET and PI in the following manner to arrive at the final score for selection.

  1. TISS-MAT: 40%
  2. TISSNET: 30%
  3. Personal Interview (PI): 30%
MA-HRM Cut-offs for general candidates in the past.
Year 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Cut-off 73 75 74 82 76

The cutoff for HRM course hovers generally hovers in between 70-80 depending on the difficulty level of the paper.

General Dos and Don’ts:

  1. Please get some full-length mocks and practice on your time management (5 should be enough to give you a feel of the real scenario).
  2. Try to maximize your score in the Non-GK section. You will be competing with the people preparing for UPSC, Working in the social sector etc. They will have GK as their strength but will struggle in the Non-GK topics especially mathematical ones.
  3. Don’t just read GK, you won’t remember them (unless you have a very sharp memory). Give sectional Mocks (must for GK section). The options will be very close, and you will end up marking the wrong one.
  4. Don’t stick with a single question. Eliminate the choices and go for the right option and move ahead (works almost every time).
  5. Don’t panic with the syllabus of GK. 50% of the syllabus you already have covered as a part of your non-cognitive learning.
  6. There will not be direct questions like you would have seen in IIFT and XAT. Try to read about the major events instead of going through just questionnaires.
  7. Attempt every question. As there is no negative marking, you need to attempt every question. If you aren’t sure about the answer, please go ahead with a calculated guess.
  8. In quant, there will be a few very basic questions which people tend to ignore. Revise the theoretical concepts of the above-mentioned topics for sure.
  9. Reach the examination centre on time. (You might face technical issues with the server, or the desktop allocated to you)
  10. Go with a positive can-do attitude.

Check the highly relevant TISSNET 2022 course by iQuanta by visiting the following link wherein you will get access to mocks, 1,500+ practise questions, 200+ videos, and general awareness-specific module for the TISS exam:

TISSNET preparation strategy