CUT OFF’s of Top Notch B-Schools

Criterion and Percentiles Required for Top Notch B Schools ( Will post for other Bschools to apply at 95+ soon, follow iQuanta page for that for that)

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After so many pings, few calculations I did regarding percentile required to get IIM A and other top 5 Bschools. Earlier there used to be top 50 or 1% calls profile based , so 50*6= approx 300 general calls profile based and 270 calls based on CAT Score. ( Total seats being 195 for generals, total calls 570 around, Approx 1 : 3 ratio is the Conversion : Call Ratio )

Since last year as it has increased to top 100 or 5% calls profile based, so approx 100*6= 600 calls profile based and 200 ( I’m guessing it to be ) CAT score based. ( So making it total 800 calls and 1:4 Conversion : Call Ratio )

Based on above calculations, following can be the Percentiles Required for IIM A, while for other IIMs , it nearly remains the same every year.

●IIM A: General engineer M/F if 10,12 > 90 and grad> 85, it requires around 99.55x, if any one of 10,12 or grad is below that, it requires > 99.9x, if two or more components are below that, you are unlikely to get a call unless you have nearly topped the exam. ( Top 0.05%)

From commerce background it will require >= 98.5x if the person has good academics, other disciplines will require 98 +

If grad is below 7.8 there is bleak(very less) chance for GEM/F.


IIM B: The average profile across all boards and disciplines is 10th, 12th > 85, grad> 85, percentile > 99. The higher the grad or any of 10th or 12th, the lesser is the percentile required. if you have > 95 in grad, you will need only 95 percentile to get a call. if you have one low component in acads, a percentile above 99.5 might compensate that.

Also, if the workex is >2 years chance of converting the call increases hugely.

IIM C: general male with 10th, 12th > 80 requires 99.46, general female with same acads requires around 98.9. Any component below 80 means you will require above 99.85 and 2 components below 80 has severely less chances.

IIM L: general male ideally > 99.2x with decent acads, females > 98 with decent acads, the higher the workex, the lesser the percentile required.


●IIM K: general males > 98.5, for females > 97. However most converts will tend to have a score between 99 to 99.5. Poor acads can prevent you from getting a call.


FMS: Get > 99.5 if you are a guy and >99 if you are a girl because the interview weightage is minimal and almost a formality. People get calls from the higher 98’s but they are very unlikely to finally convert.

Acads matter more for A, B and K and percentiles more for C, L and FMS.


● Top B schools which gives considerably low weightage to acads :

IIM Calcutta, IIM Lucknow , MDI Gurgaon, NITIE Mumbai, IIFT Delhi, TISS Mumbai.


0 weightage to acads : NMIMS Mumbai, FMS Delhi , XLRI Jamshedpur.


● It is very important that you know your targets and manage your expectations accordingly so that once you manage to score a particular percentile, you are not delusionised by the calls you get and it does not hurt your GDPI preparation. Also, when you know what you are targeting it is easier to sharpen your axe accordingly.

A clear picture and plan goes a long way in achieving one’s goal. All the best.

CAT exam