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CUET General Test 2024: Syllabus & Preparation Tips

In this article we will learn about the CUET General Test 2024 in detail covering topics like it’s exam pattern, universities accepting CUET General Test, Preparation Tips, Detailed Syllabus and finally the answer to Where to Prepare From for CUET?

What Is CUET General Test?

CUET (Central Universities Entrance Test) is an exam conducted in India for admission to undergraduate programs in various central universities. It is designed to assess a candidate’s aptitude in areas such as reasoning, critical thinking, comprehension, and subject knowledge relevant to the chosen course of study. However, it’s essential to note that the specifics of the CUET may vary depending on the year and any updates made to the examination system.

Those aiming for admission to courses requiring the CUET general test 2024 section must thoroughly review the detailed syllabus. It’s crucial to download the CUET general test syllabus PDF to identify key topics for preparation. The general test is applicable for vocational subjects, courses with open eligibility, and across various streams.

Candidates those who want to take the CUET general test section must select this option when completing the CUET application form for 2024.

Also Read: CUET Preparation Tips

Exam Pattern

This information on the updated exam pattern will help you get a better idea of the exam and push you a step forward in your preparation.

Conducting BodyNTA (National Testing Agency)
Mode Of ExaminationComputer Based
Total Questions60 Questions (50 To Be Attempted)
Duration1 Hour
Correct Answer+5 Marks
Wrong Answer-1 Marks
Question TypeMCQ
Sections In Exam1. General Knowledge
2. Current Affairs
3. General Mental Ability
4. Quantitative Ability
5. Logical And Analytical Reasoning

Section-Wise Questions Breakup

Quantitative Ability10-15 Questions
Logical Reasoning10-15 Questions
General Mental Ability10-15 Questions
Current Affairs 8-10 Questions
General Knowledge 8-10 Questions

Section-Wise Syllabus

In the table mentioned below, you can find the section-wise topics judged on the exam and prepare thoroughly to ace the examination. The three sections are Quantitative Ability, Logical Reasoning and GK and Current Affairs.

Quantitative Ability1. Time and work
2. Geometry
3. SI-CI
4. Mixture and Alligation
5. Statistics
6. Mensuration

7. Ratio 
8. Percentage Conversion
9. Trigonometry 

10. Averages
Logical Reasoning1. Sequence & Series
2. Coding/Decoding
3. Analytical Reasoning
4. Direction
4. Linear & Circular Arrangement
General Knowledge & Current Affairs1. History
2. Geography
3. Economics
4. Current affairs (National And International)
6. New Discoveries

Also Read: CUET Mock Analysis

Top Universities Accepting CUET General Test

It’s worth highlighting that the General Test section of the CUET exam 2024 is not compulsory. Candidates retain the autonomy to decide whether they want to attempt this specific section or not. The primary determinant for this choice is the particular requirement stipulated by the university of interest. Below, you’ll find the compilation of the top colleges and universities that make it compulsory for candidates to appear for the test to be able to consider them for further shortlisting.

  1. Tata Institute Of Social Sciences (TISS)
  2. University Of Delhi
  3. Aligarh Muslim University (AMU)
  4. Jamia Millia Islamia
  5. Banaras Hindu University (BHU)
  6. Jaypee Institute Of Information Technology
  7. Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)
  8. University Of Allahabad

Preparation Tips For CUET

Follow the below mentioned tips to ace the exam.

  1. Stay updated on recent national and global events by regularly reading journals and newspaper articles.
  2. Understand the exam pattern as it will make it easier for you to anticipate the kind of questions that are asked on the exam.
  3. Utilize previous year question papers of the CUET general test for additional practice and preparation.
  4. Know the CUET Eligibility criteria to know it surely that you can go ahead and prepare for the exam.
  5. Review your syllabus using your Class 12 NCERT books to maximize your chances of achieving high scores on the entire CUET test 2024.
  6. Maintain motivation and focus leading up to the exam. Trust in your ability to pursue your desired direction.
  7. Practice regularly to alleviate exam anxiety and improve response time and accuracy. Taking practice exams is particularly helpful in this regard.
  8. Prepare an exam day strategy to avoid last minute jitters.
  9. Give mock tests to examine your readiness to appear for the exam and also to work on your weaker areas.
  10. Connect with CUET community on the largest CUET group to stay updated and build a network with like minded people who have the same goal of acing CUET General Test.

Section-Wise Strategy

Quantitative Ability

  • Understand the Exam Pattern: Familiarize yourself with the format of the quantitative section, including the types of questions asked and the distribution of topics.
  • Review Basic Concepts: Ensure you have a solid understanding of fundamental mathematical concepts such as algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, and statistics. Brush up on topics like equations, inequalities, functions, graphs, geometry theorems, and basic arithmetic operations.
  • Practice Regularly: Practice solving a variety of quantitative problems regularly to build familiarity and confidence. Use textbooks, online resources, and CUET-specific preparation materials to access a wide range of practice questions. Focus on solving problems from previous CUET exams to understand the level of difficulty and question patterns.
  • Work on Speed and Accuracy: Allocate time limits to practice sessions to improve your speed. Initially, focus on accuracy rather than speed, gradually increasing your pace as you become more comfortable with different question types.
  • Learn Problem-Solving Techniques: Familiarize yourself with various problem-solving techniques and shortcuts, especially for time-consuming problems. Understand when to use techniques like algebraic manipulation, substitution, estimation, and logical reasoning to solve different types of questions efficiently.
  • Identify Weaknesses and Focus Areas: Regularly assess your performance and identify areas where you need improvement. Devote extra time and effort to strengthen your weaker areas while maintaining proficiency in your stronger topics.
  • Take Mock Tests: Take full-length mock tests under timed conditions to simulate the exam environment. Analyze your performance after each mock test to identify areas for improvement and adjust your study plan accordingly.
  • Revise and Review: Allocate time for regular revision of concepts and problem-solving techniques. Review any mistakes made during practice sessions and understand the underlying concepts to avoid similar errors in the future.
  • Stay Calm and Confident: Maintain a positive attitude and stay calm during the exam. Trust in your preparation and problem-solving abilities, and avoid getting overwhelmed by difficult questions.

Logical Reasoning

  • Understand the types of questions: Familiarize yourself with the various types of logical reasoning questions commonly found in the CUET General Test, such as syllogisms, logical deductions, analogies, and logical puzzles.
  • Learn basic concepts: Brush up on basic logical concepts such as premises, conclusions, assumptions, and logical validity. Understand different types of logical reasoning techniques, including deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning, and abductive reasoning.
  • Practice regularly: Practice solving a wide range of logical reasoning questions from different sources, including practice books, online resources, and previous years’ question papers. Start with simpler questions and gradually progress to more complex ones as you build confidence and improve your skills.
  • Develop problem-solving strategies: Develop systematic approaches to tackle different types of logical reasoning questions. Practice breaking down complex arguments into simpler components, identifying logical fallacies, and evaluating the validity of conclusions.
  • Enhance critical thinking skills: Work on improving your critical thinking abilities by analyzing arguments, identifying assumptions, and evaluating evidence. Practice identifying patterns, making logical connections, and drawing logical inferences from the given information.
  • Time management: Practice solving logical reasoning questions under timed conditions to improve your speed and accuracy. Allocate a specific amount of time to each question and avoid getting stuck on difficult questions for too long.
  • Review and analyze your mistakes: After practicing, review your answers and analyze any mistakes you made. Understand why you made those mistakes and learn from them to avoid repeating them in the future.
  • Seek guidance if needed: The candidates can enroll in CUET Crash Course by iQuanta for CUET General Test preparation and be on their way to success.

GK And Current Affairs

  • Stay Updated: Regularly read newspapers, magazines, and reputable online news sources to stay updated on current events, both national and international. Follow credible news websites, blogs, and social media handles that focus on current affairs and general knowledge.
  • Study Reference Books: Refer to standard reference books covering general knowledge, current affairs, and important events in history, science, geography, politics, and economics. Make notes of significant events, dates, and facts to aid in memorization and revision.
  • Practice Quizzes and Mock Tests: Take regular quizzes and practice tests specifically focused on general knowledge and current affairs. Join online forums or discussion groups where you can participate in quizzes and discussions related to current events and general knowledge topics.
  • Watch News and Documentaries: Watch news programs, documentaries, and informative videos covering various topics such as history, science, technology, environment, and politics. Pay attention to documentaries that delve into significant historical events, cultural phenomena, and scientific discoveries.
  • Focus on Key Areas: Prioritize topics that are frequently covered in current affairs sections, such as international relations, major political developments, scientific breakthroughs, environmental issues, and cultural events. Stay informed about recent developments in areas like technology, business, sports, and entertainment.
  • Revise Regularly: Allocate time for regular revision of general knowledge and current affairs materials to reinforce learning and retain important information. Use flashcards or mnemonic devices to remember dates, events, and key facts effectively.


Getting ready for the CUET General Test paper 2024 presents both challenges and opportunities for growth. Commencing early is crucial to allow ample time for acquainting yourself with the exam format, understanding the CUET syllabus, and grasping the various question types.

Engaging in practice with CUET mock tests, revisiting key topics and concepts, and dedicating time to acclimate to the exam environment are all vital steps.

Furthermore, crafting a well-structured study plan and adhering to it diligently ensures a productive and streamlined preparation process. Through consistent practice and thorough preparation, you can approach the CUET General Test paper 2024 with confidence, striving towards your target score.

Where To Prepare From?

The best CUET Preparation is offered by the industry expert iQuanta with proven results which are displayed below. Get ahead with the ultimate online program crafted by top-tier exam experts. Boost your preparation with expert guidance, extensive study materials, and proven strategies. Enroll now for premier CUET online coaching in India and embark on your path to success.

All the preparation related stress is taken care of at iQuanta. and for detailed information, counselling and queries check out iQuanta’s CUET website and ENROLL NOW!

Follow iQuanta’s CUET Instagram Page to stay updated with the latest developments.

Indrajeet Singh
Indrajeet Singh
The mastermind behind IQuanta, Indrajeet Singh is an expert in Quant and has devised some ingenious formulae and shortcuts to significantly cut down on the time taken to solve a problem

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