Tips to Improve Reading Comprehension for Banking Exams

Tips to Improve Reading Comprehension for Banking Exams

Reading comprehension is an important part of the English section in banking exams such as SBI PO, IBPS PO, and clerk. It is very time-consuming in nature, candidates have to read and understand the passage first, then answer that accordingly. Candidates should familiarize themselves with the tips and tricks to solve reading comprehensive questions easily, as around 7-10 questions are asked in every banking exam. Candidates can check out the blog for some effective strategies to improve their reading comprehension that can help them to answer questions and also increase their chances of acing the banking exam.

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Why Reading Comprehension is Important in Banking Exams?

Reading comprehension is important in the banking exam as it enhances the ability of the candidates to understand the complex text as banking exams include passages from different domains such as economics, psychology, science, and literature. Candidates can also get an idea of the tone and meaning of the passage. Speed is very important during the exam as it counts every second. All these factors can increase the overall score of the candidates.

Common Challenges Faced During Reading Comprehension

Candidates face many challenges during reading comprehension in the banking exam. Candidates can check some of them below: 

  • Time management: Long passages of reading comprehension require a lot of time to solve.
  • Vocabulary Deficit: Candidates can find it difficult to solve questions with unknown words or with words they are not familiar with.
  • Complex sentence structure: candidates can get confused with sentences that are complex in nature.
  • Misinterpretation of Questions: Questions with similar meanings, expressions, and responses can confuse candidates to tick the wrong answer.
  • Overthinking: By overanalyzing each option, candidates can make errors in the answer.

Step- By-Step Guide to Improve Reading Comprehension

Build a reading Habit:

Candidates should build a daily 30-minute reading habit which can enhance their ability to analyze the information and help them to understand the different styles of passages in the exams. Candidates should read different things like:

  • Newspapers: The Hindu, The Indian Express, The Economic Times etc.
  • Magazines: Time, The Economist, etc.
  • Books: Non-fiction books on finance, psychology, and general knowledge.
  • Blogs and Articles: Medium and Quora.

Build Strong Vocabulary for RC in Baking Exam

Candidates preparing for the banking exams must have a strong vocabulary as this can help them to understand the meaning of a passage quickly in the banking exam. Candidates can enhance their vocabulary by Learning new words daily and learn to use words in sentences.

Familiarity with Types of Questions in the RC Section of Banking Exam

Candidates can see different types of reading comprehension in the banking exams. Some of them are:

  • Direct Questions
  • Inference-based questions
  • Assumption based questions.

Practice Mock Tests and Previous year’s papers

Candidates must practice mock tests and previous year’s papers before the actual exam as this can help them to understand the exam pattern and the type of questions that can be asked during the exam.  Candidates should take sectional mock tests and focus on the RC section, they should analyze each question after practicing which can help in understanding their strengths and weaknesses. They should give a specific time for each passage.

Reading Comprehension Tips for Banking Preparation

  • Candidates should read the question first before the passage.
  • Candidates should stick to the information given in the exam only they should avoid external knowledge.
  • Candidates should attempt easy questions first.
  • If candidates are stuck in any question then they should move forward to the next question.
  • Candidates should stay calm during the exam.

Do’s and Don’ts for Reading Comprehension in Banking Exams

Manage your time effectivelyDon’t try to memorize every detail
Identify the main point or purpose of the passageDon’t get bogged down in unfamiliar vocabulary
Take notes and outline the passageDon’t change your initial answer
Pause and predict after each paragraphDon’t rely on outside knowledge
Eliminate wrong answers 
Use the passage to support your answers 

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FAQs-Tips to Improve Reading Comprehension for Banking Exams

What are the tricks to improve reading comprehension?

Candidates can go through the above-given blog for tips and tricks to improve reading comprehension.

How can I manage my time in reading comprehension during the banking exam effectively?

Candidates should allocate at least 5 minutes to each passage and if they are stuck in between any question they they should skip it and go for the next question.

How can I enhance my reading ability in the baking exam?

Candidates should make a daily reading habit which can help them to increase the daily reading ability.