IIM Bangalore Selection Criteria 2022 : Graduation Marks Not Required

IIM BAngalore Selection Criteria 2022

IIM Bangalore Selection Criteria 2022

IIM Bangalore is one of the business schools with the most merit-based admission practises.  It seems that has changed now that the IIM Bangalore selection criteria 2022 have been made public. IIM Bangalore will prioritise CAT scores in 2022 rather than a candidate’s whole profile, as it did in 2018. To the delight of many applicants, the elimination of graduation marks from the entrance criteria has resulted in an increase in the weight given to CAT scores. Details are provided below.

IIM Bangalore selection criteria 2022

IIM Bangalore Selection Criteria 2022: Key Points

  • The 85th percentile remains the minimal overall cut-off for the CAT. The cut-off for the QA & LRDI sections remain at 75%ile, while the lowest cut-off for VARC remains at 80%ile according to the IIM Bangalore selection criteria 2022.
  • IIM Bangalore eliminated graduation grades in their selection criteria 2022 as a factor in the WAT-PI shortlisting process and increased the weightage of CAT scores from 40% to 55%.
  • Maximum points will be awarded for work experience for candidates with three years of work experience or more (as of July 2022). However, this is only applicable for the WAT-PI round shortlisting. Panelists will assess each candidate’s work experience quality in subsequent rounds.
  • IIM Bangalore has given the earliest stages of the procedure a 5% weight for gender diversity. Although the institute has made an effort to level the playing field for non-engineers by lowering the Quantitative Ability cut-off and its weightage in the admissions process, no explicit weight has been provided for academic diversity.
  • After dropping graduation scores as a selection criterion, IIM Bangalore elevated the weight for 12th grade and PI scores in the ultimate shortlisting stage.

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IIM Bangalore Screening Criteria : Details

Here is a brief explanation of the admission requirements and IIM Bangalore selection criteria 2022.

Stage I : Screening Candidates on the basis of CAT 2022 Minimum Cutoff

IIM Bangalore examines applicants in this round using the minimum overall and sectional CAT 2022 cut-offs set by the university. At this point, about 85% of test-takers are eliminated. The minimum cutoffs for CAT 2022 at IIM Bangalore are shown in the table below.

Please keep it in mind that just because you’ve met all the minimum requirements doesn’t mean you’ll be on the WAT-PI shortlist. Your CAT results and other selection factors that will matter in the following step will determine that.

Stage II : Candidate selection for the WAT-PI procedure using a weighted score

Candidates will be judged here according to their CAT 2022 score, scores from their 10th and 12th grades, and job experience. The weights assigned to the IIM Bangalore’s admission requirements are listed in the table below.

CAT 2022 Sectional Weights (For Work-ex till July 2022)

Apart from this, The top 10 CAT 2022 applicants and the top 10 candidates in the CA/ICWA/CS category are automatically qualified for the WAT-PI phase.

Stage III : Candidate selection for admission based on weighted score

Candidates will be assessed once more in light of a set of selection criteria following the conclusion of the WAT-PI process. The admission standards used by IIM Bangalore for final shortlisting are listed here, along with their weights.

Panelists will now assess the value of prior work experience. Your Stage 1 work experience score will be downscaled to a maximum of 5, and the weighted score will be calculated by multiplying it by a “quality score” in order to account for this.

Understanding the IIM Bangalore Selection Criteria 2022

  • As per the IIM Bangalore selection criteria 2022, your CAT score will be a significant influence in determining whether you are admitted to IIM Bangalore, with 55% weight in the first stage and 25% weight in the second stage.
  • IIM Bangalore has also said that your perfomance in DILR > VARC  > QA  in the CAT 2022 exam, which may provide some comfort to those who are not engineers.
  • In the WAT-PI shortlisting process, IIM Bangalore would give you the highest possible marks if you have 3+ years of work experience. But during the actual shortlisting process, the calibre of your work will matter more.
  • Have poor grades in your undergraduation? You will not be penalised. IIM Bangalore will solely evaluate you based on your 10th and 12th grades.
  • Only during the WAT-PI shortlisting stage of the admissions process would women have a modest advantage over males. Academic diversity through gender would not be given any weight with reference to the IIM Bangalore selection criteria 2022.

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